Friday, December 11, 2015

Available Now! 'The Height of Perpetual Love' by Monica F. Hudson

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The Height of Perpetual LoveThy love is ageless, it penetrates the depth of time and encircles the face of your abiding love. In the shelter of the storm it shines it majestic power, giving soothing tranquility to the stormy seas.

Know thy flames can never be extinguished or humanity hold its essence in the palm of their hands, for it is the power of the Holy Spirit that radiates its light and gives strength to the weary. It flows as music on air its notes give harmony and feeds the heart compassion.

Buy on Hudson Publishers


About the author

monica hudsonMonica F. Hudson has given her writing ministry a visionary depiction of boldness and creative awareness through her covers that leads you down a path inside the pages of not just truth, but a praise dance that any saint would give up a rejoicing word for. She is after all a spiritual writer, who has a genre that includes Christian discipleship, empowerment, and spiritual inspirations, leading her to a string of book, journals, and articles that look like a hymnal turned inside out.

She is the author/publisher of Hudson Publishers, a company that markets Christian books for those who want a deeper meaning in their walk with Jesus Christ. She is a member of Allen Temple A.M. E. Church in Pine Bluff, AR. She is a member of the American Christian Writers, Spiritual Writers Association, Association of Writers and Writers Programs just to name of few. Find out more about this writing ministry at

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

'A Paris Christmas' by Cynthia Gail

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AParisChristmas Billionaire Nicholas Adrien Rousseau works seven days a week. He lives on a schedule, doesn’t like surprises, plans his days, and outlines his goals. Until an irresistible blonde slides into the backseat of his Mercedes, mistaking him for the driver of the car service provided by his company, Bridal Bliss.

Bella Rose is late for the airport. The opportunity to turn Creative Couture into an International marketing firm is a dream come true, but if she doesn’t catch the last flight home to the states, she’ll miss Christmas Eve with her family.

Two strangers with an attraction that could melt an iceberg, are stranded in the heart of Paris, the city of light and love. When Bella throws caution to the wind, deciding to accept the spontaneity life has thrown her and enjoy the journey, she never imagines it will lead to the man of her dreams. Adrien realizes too late that by hiding his identity, he could lose the one woman who loves the man and not the money.

Buy on Amazon for $.99


About the author:

My husband and I live in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee with our three dogs. When I'm not working or writing, I can be found with family and friends. I love to bake in the winter, grill in the summer, and on occasion, I sneak away from everyone and curl up with a good book.




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Monday, December 7, 2015

#BookBlast & #Giveaway 'Love or Justice' by Rachel Mannino


LoveorJustice Front CoverLaurie Shelton is the only person alive who can identify Hawaii’s most notorious mob boss…

After stumbling into a deadly kidnapping, Laurie’s life is in grave danger, and it falls to US Marshal Dante Stark to keep her safe until she testifies against Kaimi Quamboa—assuming he can be captured.

Dante knows he’ll lose his job if he becomes romantically involved with a witness…

But when he has to comfort her through constant nightmares, he finds it nearly impossible to fight his attraction to the beautiful, strong young woman he is sworn to protect. Laurie feels it too, but aware she’s in a high-stress situation and that when the danger is past she’ll never see Dante again, she tries to ignore his easygoing smile and the security he offers.

Laurie and Dante are forced to flee again…

When Kaimi’s men descend on their hideaway, they escape to a second safe house, only to be tracked down there as well. Dante now knows there’s a mole inside the US Marshal Service, and the only thing left to do is disappear.

Kaimi will never stop looking for Laurie, and if he’s caught, showing up to testify could be the last thing she ever does.

With each choice as dangerous as the next, Dante and Laurie must confront the boundaries of what they’re willing to sacrifice, and which is more important…

Love or Justice.

Buy: Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback

About the author:

Rachel Mannino 3Rachel Mannino is a passionate writer who creates characters and settings that allow readers to explore power dynamics in relationships, the empowerment of women, and the ethical and moral dilemmas love can create in our lives. Rachel also uses her writing skills to raise thousands of dollars for entities that enrich our lives and create community change around the world.  She has worked for the Peace Corps; the Humanities Council of Washington, DC; Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company; and the Mayor’s Office of Arts, Tourism and Special Events in Boston, MA. Her first novel, Love or Justice, was published by Limitless Press in November 2016. Her second novel, Fractal, will be published by eTreasures publishing in the spring of 2016. Rachel has a BA in theatre studies and writing, literature, and publishing from Emerson College, and she has used it every day since graduation.  She lives with her husband, author Christopher Mannino (, and their adorable dog and cat in College Park, Maryland.  
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Friday, December 4, 2015

Available for Preorder 'Commander Henry Gallant' by H. Peter Alesso

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Commander Henry Gallant - EBookHe thought Alaina loved him, but now she’s found someone else. A tidal wave of loss and grief swept over Henry Gallant, leaving him undecided about what to do next, or how to move forward.

Despite his sorrow, he goes on a dangerous mission to an invading aliens’ home world in the Gliese-581 star system. There he uses a neural interface to penetrate their communication network and steal a high ranking alien’s identity. Through this artifice he learns about their history and society, and discovers a way to hinder and possibly defeat them.

A side-effect of linking into the alien network—which was created for autistic savants—is that Gallant’s mind was stimulated and enhanced to the point where he begins to experience superintelligence abilities.

Upon returning from his mission, there is concern that Gallant might pose an even more serious threat than the aliens. While he struggles to fend off those who doubt his loyalty, he fights to win back Alaina.

This is the fourth book of The Henry Gallant Saga, but it can be read as a standalone story.

Releases February 19th, 2016.

Preorder Commander Henry Gallant on Amazon

Buy: Henry Gallant Series on Amazon


About the author:

pete2As a scientist and author specializing in technology innovation, H. Peter Alesso has over twenty years research experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As Engineering Group Leader at LLNL he led a team of scientists and engineers in innovative applications across a wide range of supercomputers, workstations, and networks. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a B.S. and served in the U.S. Navy on nuclear submarines before completing an M.S. and an advanced Engineering Degree at M.I.T. He has published several software titles and numerous scientific journal and conference articles, and he is the author/co-author of seven books.
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